Memories from a friend

Created by Barbara 6 years ago
Jon Burrows 
I met Chris when I worked for another Government department whilst he was working at the Dept. of Transport. We met in the Black Horse and quickly moved to a fairly easy friendship. I recall giving his wife Barbara (also a friend) a lift to her work on my motorcycle after one of their incredible parties in Charlton. 

For those who knew Chris and Barbara and attended his parties they will know what I am on about, especially the bar andn when he displayed his talent for producing wines which would leave you utterly legless (not a good trait in my position but fun nonetheless). 

I have so many memories of Chris that I could probably write a book and this memorial thing by me is probably not that good, but where do you start. I was totally shocked when he passed and seeing this site has brought it home that he has moved on to a celestial bar stool and all the ales they have in the next existence. 

Thankfully I did see him one last time when I met up with Chris, Barbara, Jenny and Simon just before Christmas 2014 in Chislehurst. I had not seen him for some time due to my illness. I had planned to pop up to Lowestoft for a visit when I finished chemotherapy. Sadly that was not to be. 

I will remember the terrible jokes (many of them), the shaving cream fights, dunking clothed people in baths, how he could somehow get Robin Reliants to drive on two wheels, and share a sense of glee at the silly things in life like kidnapping me from hospital when I was injured in 1985 and returning me to the hospital so plastered they wanted to test my blood alcohol. He even arranged for people to assist carrying me up and down stairs when he lived in Charlton as I could not even stand. 

He was a family man and I recall Jenny as a smail child and being roped in to baby sit even though I had no idea about modern disposable nappies (growing up with the old fashioned ones). I shall spare Jenny any embarrassment about tales of her at a young age :). I did not meet Sammy so much as I was busy with my own family. Chris also always got on well with my mother. 

I have 34 years of memories. laughs and jokes with Chris. His natural social skills made him a creator of social circles for many of us. I am quite certain I shall meet him again. 

I would say rest in peace, but I know full well he will not and has already grabbed a bar stool in the greatest pub in the next world. Can you honestly imagine Chris without a full glass in his hand? Or a roll-up? No? Neither can I and even passing on willl not stop this. And imagine the motorcycles he has access too! 

To his family. I would say sorry for the loss of a son, brother, father, spouse and friend but that would go against my beliefs and my memories of him. Chris is still all these things. I am sad we cannot see him at this time but I am sure we will one day and I will patiently wait for that time. 

In the meantime "Thanks Chris" for being a friend for such a long time.